- Version 1.1
- Download 14635
- File Size 4.22 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date May 28, 2018
- Last Updated December 7, 2019
Island LUT Pack
***These LUTs are for Rec709 Color Space. This was my first time creating a LUT pack. So it might not be amazing, but I figured I would share it with you guys anyway 😉
Building on the Island Preset Pack for Lightroom, I have created this LUT pack for you to use on your video footage. These LUTs were designed to be used on more tropical colored footage, but can still be used on any footage you want. Remember that not all LUTs will look great with all your footage. As with any LUT or Preset, you should use the one that complaints the colors and tones of your footage best. Also, use the "Mix" slider for adjusting the intensity of the LUT to get the desired effect.
I use Final Cut Pro, but you can use these LUTs in any video editing software.
Installation Instructions for Final Cut Pro 10.4.+
1. Unzip the “DeathByVlog Island LUT Pack.zip”
2. Save the “Island LUT Pack” folder anywhere on your computer.
3. In Final Cut Pro 10.4.+ select your clip you want to apply the LUT to.
4. In the Effects Browser select Color and double click Custom LUT while your clip is highlighted, or drag and drop the “Custom LUT” effect onto your clip.
5. In the Inspector window, under the Custom LUT panel, select “Choose Custom LUT” from the dropdown.
6. This will open a window where you can find the folder on your computer and choose the LUT you want to use for the clip.
7. Once you select your LUT, use the “Mix” slider to adjust the intensity of the LUT
You’re welcome!
so cool
Glad to hear! 😊
how can i used this preset?
I can’t use this
I’m not sure what you mean. These are LUTs and if you follow the video tutorial you can see how to install them.
Hi Tontan, the files were mixed up. I have corrected the issue. Please download again 🙂
When I downloaded the luts the xmp files are greyed out when I try to access them thru fcpx
Looks like you downloaded the wrong stuff. The .xmp files are the Lightroom Presets. The LUTs download includes .cube files which can be installed and used in Final Cut Pro
I have the same problem. Looks like the download link downloads the Lightroom pack and not the LUTs.
All fixed! Sorry for the inconvenience. Please download again 🙂
No worries! Thanks so much for sharing your hard work and knowledge 😃👍
Hi Buddy Thanks i’ve just downloaded the LUTS and i now use DaVinci Resolve as well Final Cut Pro X i was wondering i am doing a trailer for someone that is a sci-fi horror movie and i was wondering do you have any flicker or strobe effects they use in horror movie trailers to extenuate the apprehension 🙂 thanks
When I have some free time I will try and build something like this.
Thanks, mate I will make a DONATION
Thanks so much Darren! I really appreciate the support. I’ll keep an eye out for it 😊
thank you very much! 🙂
Great stuff
DeathByVlog – Hello mate, do you have any universal LUTS presents ? I usually record on flat video color mode with adding LUT preset (FCPX) but this island look too much over colored with standard record from town or forest.
Hi David, that pack is for Rec709 colorspace. I will be releasing a LOG profile pack soon.